Artist Statement-
‘Beatitude’ is a collection of my latest body of paintings, bringing together several themes I have previously explored in my work over the years. Before I began to put energy toward this exhibition, I had no specific aim or established direction. My only aim was to loosen up and return to early times of being fearless and adventurous. I had only one strict rule...that I would not care about the image so much and that it flowed from my brushes and pallet knives. The works came together on their own from this.
The objects I chose to paint and draw were all intrinsically intertwined in my mind, meaning that they are all connected somehow in my understanding and appreciation of them. They overlapped and swam around in my thoughts for years. They are things that bring me wonder and joy.
Quite by accident three clear themes emerged from the body of work.
The first theme to emerge is my love of the natural world, being the living plants on earth. Nature is utterly wonderful. I have an affinity for nature's colours, patterns, and organic flowing lines. I love the asymmetry. Each element is a complex and a perfect mathematical algorithm.
As with most subjects I draw and paint, I cannot help but zoom in and magnify them. I am instinctively drawn in close to my subject. I crop objects tightly, looking for an intimate understanding of line and form. I don't have any interest in painting rolling hills or sweeping clouds. For me, zooming out would miss so much of the "good stuff". I can't help but focus in on one part of an object and tend to draw things quite large. I want to get as close to the action as possible. I fix my eyes firmly and it's as though I am relying on the sensation of touch, even though it's really only my eyes that are seeing.
I try to stay honest in my work and have the courage to make honest mistakes. I draw lines that may be incorrect, which I then redraw and rub away. I also try to capture the splendour, the colours, the light etc. elements that give me joy. I try to share them with the viewer.
The second theme that emerged is the gift of fruit. Without thinking too much about it I am always in awe of this miracle. It gravitates around fertility, sustenance, and goodness. The fruits of the earth are amazing and plentiful. It breaks my heart to think that these fruits are not evenly distributed.
For me, the cycle of life on earth (as opposed to surrounding dead planets) is mind blowing. "Ancient Fruit" (sketch of a pomegranate) is an ode to this millennia old cycle as well as a subtle reference to knowledge, consciousness, rebirth and original sin. Lemons and limes are everyday fruit but equally worthy of being painted as divine objects. I have placed them front and center as such.
The third theme to emerge in these works is my ongoing affinity to the humble vessel. These simple lines depicting a container or bowl have many deep undertones for me. The vessel represents an object that contains things, be it water, fruit, food etc... These images can be perceived by the viewer as empty or ready to hold the harvest. I gravitate toward this object for the essential role it has in our lives. It holds our daily meals, stores and preserves crops and water or taking the idea further, lakes and oceans are contained, and ultimately life itself is somewhat contained within the stratosphere. These paintings are echoes of the concept in my mind, of "holding", yield, plenitude and emptiness.
I hope you enjoy the energy in this show. It was completely enjoyable painting it.
Camillo De Luca
Title: 'Within the Lines' Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 274cm x 172cm- Price: $10,800
Title: Bromeliad-Abstracted Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: !64 cm x 164cm- Price: $8000
'Analogue' SOLD
Title: Toward the Sky Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 184cm x 64cm- Price: $ 7,000
Title: Magnolia Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $7,000
Title: Bliss Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $7,000
Title: Bliss 2 Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $7,000
Title: Bliss 3 Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $7,000
Title: Laurustinus Abstract Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $7,000
Title: Floral Abstraction Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $7,000
Title: Sincopate Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 119cm- SOLD
Title: Lemons Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $9,900
Title: Limes Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 82cm x 82cm- Price: $4,000
Title: Ancient Fruit Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $6,000
Title: Pears Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 164cm- Price: $7,500
Title: Vessel 1 Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 125cm x 125cm- Price: $5,000
Title: Vessel 2 Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 119cm x 119cm- Price: $4,000
Title: Vessel 3 Media: Mixed Media on Board- Dimensions: 6cm x 125cm- Price: $4,000