Current Show

A  selection of works from 'Mythos' an Exhibition of  Paintings by Elio Sanciolo currently showing at Gallery Elysium from May 4 until  June 3, 2024.

Art works for sale from previous exhibitions can be found under the 'Artworks For Sale' Link at the top of the page.

All works in this listing are for sale at the advertised price through this website.

Simply pass your cursor over the image to view details of the artworks including Media, Dimensions and Price.

Click on the "Contact Us" link below to enquire about the sale of works from our current exhibition or to find out more about Gallery Elysium.

A truly unique exhibition not to be missed.



'As a painter I imagine that when we, either individually or collectively, recall the past, our mind sifts through layers of memories recorded on transparent ‘pages’ in our mind, to uncover and draw into the present relevant information associated with a particular event or moment in time. As these memories are drawn forward, they invariably pick up fragments and details of any overlaying associated memories creating a context giving the memory meaning.

From the outset I wanted to create works which the viewer could appreciate as pure abstractions, but which contained a figurative or literal architecture in the same way as myths often contain hidden, symbolic and metaphorical meanings built on a literal narrative structure.

It’s my hope that the visitors to this exhibition are able to engage with the works and subject on multiple levels and leave, not only with a meaningful memory of a visual experience, but also, a greater appreciation of the nature and value of our own collective and individual  experiences and memories, and their role in forming our subjective interpretation and understanding of the world in the present.'


Elio Sanciolo, 2024

A Hero's Journey

Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 137cm ( unframed)

PricE $8,950


Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 137cm

PricE $8,950


Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 137cm

PricE $8,950


Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 137cm

PricE $8,950

Eros & Psyche

Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 137cm ( Unframed)

PricE $8,950


Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

137 x 100cm

PricE $7,750


Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

71 x 59cm

PricE $3,775


Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 137cm

PricE $8,950


Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

137 x 100cm

PricE $7.750


Oil on Canvas

152 x183cm

PricE $13,875


Elio Sanciolo

OIl & Acrylic on Canvas

71 x 59

PricE $3,775

Origin _Age of Innocence

Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 137cm ( Unframed )

PricE $8,950

Orpheus & Euridice

Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 168cm

PricE $11,900


Elio Sanciolo

Oil opn Canvas

137 x 100cm

PricE $7,750


Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

183 x168cm

PricE $15,500

Searching for Ithaca

Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

137 x 100cm



Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

152 x 137cm

PricE $8,950

Thalia, Euphrosine and ,Aglaia

Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

71 x 59cm

PricE $3,775

The Offering

Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

168 x 153

PricE $11,900

Walled_Garden_Age of Innocence

Elio Sanciolo

Oil on Canvas

183 x 168 (unframed)

PricE $15,400